Scientific Committee
TRAX’s scientific committee is made up of 8 independent experts, recognized for their training, skills and expertise, in order to ensure a multiplicity of points of view. A cenacle for sharing knowledge and experiences, the scientific committee helps inspire the company and sharpen its vision. Its members operate on a pro bono basis , without remuneration, advantage or retrocession.
Julien BRINGER, expert in cybersecurity (cryptography, access control, strong authentication, digital identity, biometrics and blockchain), has extensive experience in the ICT industry and the innovation / startup universe. An active expert at ISO/IEC JTC1/SC27, he leads the Security-Privacy-Identity work of the ISO TC307 Standardization Committee (Blockchain and distributed register).
Laurent SEROR
Laurent SEROR is a serial entrepreneur and investor, founder of the Rentacloud incubator. He created 3DS OUTSCALE, a sovereign Cloud Computing (IaaS) infrastructure service operator, strategic partner and subsidiary of Dassault Systèmes. Previously, he developed CloudMaker, the first French cloud computing offering, and then headed Bull’s Network and Security Business Unit.
Jacques FAVIER
Jacques FAVIER is Normalien (Ulm) and agrégation in history, he worked for 25 years in banking and investment. Since 2014, he has written on the site “la Voie du Bitcoin” and he is co-author of 4 books on Bitcoin and blockchain. He is a founding member of the French-speaking Association “Le Cercle du Coin” and of Catenae, a consulting firm in strategic intelligence of blockchain protocols.
Marc-Antoine LEDIEU
Marc-Antoine LEDIEU has been a lawyer at the Paris Bar since 1993. After 5 years as a business lawyer, he specialized in contract engineering and digital law. Its areas of intervention cover software law, databases, personal data, websites, etc.
François ZAMORA
François ZAMORA is Chief Security Officer in the Europe Division of Orange Group. He is also president of the AFNOR Standardization Commission Information security, data protection and privacy and Head of Delegation France for ISO JTC1 SC27 meetings since 2019.
Pascal PAILLIER is an expert in public key cryptography and has 25 years of industrial experience in applied security. Until 2009, he was Head of Cryptography & Innovation at Gemalto, the world leader in smart cards. Co-founder of CryptoExperts, Pascal has published some of the most cited research papers in the world.

Jan BRANZELL heads Veriscan Security in Sweden, a company specializing in information systems security compliance. He has been a member of the ISO JTC1 SC27 technical committee since 2000 and has edited several standards, including ISO / IEC 27003. He is chairman, within SIS, a standardization body in Sweden, of the AG41 working group on different standards (ICT Business Continuity, Network Security, Incident Management, Outsourcing).
Erick ALPHONSE has a Doctorate in Artificial Intelligence, Associate Professor at the University of Paris XIII and was a member of the scientific board of Deloitte from 2012 to 2017. He is the founding director of IDAaaS, which develops an artificial intelligence streaming platform, freeing itself from the constraints of protecting personal data through their instant exploitation and without the need for storage.